Παρασκευή 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Εμφάνιση Χριστού σε ένα Κύπριο: “Εγώ νίκησα το θάνατο” (Christ appeared to a Cypriot: “I have defeated death”)

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Από Φίλους Μητροπόλεως Μόρφου

Christ appeared lately to a good Cypriot person. He came and saw me. Christ told him: What are todays Christians afraid of, an epidemic? What are they afraid of? If they die?

 But i have DEFEATED death. Why have I incarnated – became a man – then from God that I was? Then why was I crucified? Why did I die? And especially with such a death upon then Cross? IN ORDER TO DEFEAT YOUR DEATH. TO DEFEAT YOUR SIN. TO DEFEAT THE DEVIL WHO TURRANIZES YOU. Do you know how long does a biological death last? 2 seconds. You cross the one side of the river to reach the other. As soon as the tough moment that the soul departs the body passes, then on the other side of life, its Me (Christ) and I am waiting to grant you the ETERNAL LIFE, THAT YOU REJOICE WITH MY TRIADIC LIGHT. What are you afraid of? Don’t I know when the soul of each and everyone of you shall seperate your body?

Youtube: Metropolitan Morphou Neophytos – ΟΜΙΛΙΕΣ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΟΥ ΜΟΡΦΟΥ – Abstract from the Sermon of Metropolitan Morphou Neophytos under the title «Christ from Bethlehem ceases fear» that took place after the Divine Liturgy of the 19th of December 2021